V.A. - Nashville Gold : Hayseed Delirium From The Boob Tube Golden Age (1956-1975) LP

V.A. - Nashville Gold : Hayseed Delirium From The Boob Tube Golden Age (1956-1975) LP

  • $18.00
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In the late-1960s, Prime Time Nashville Television was dominated by Country Music. Incongruous and surreal, viewers could channel-surf between the Lysergic Hayseed-ism of ‘The Porter Wagoner Show,’ the Pastel Psychedelia of ‘Those Singin’ Swingin’ Stompin’ Sensational Stonemans’ and a multitude of Country Stars erupting between commercials for beer and laxatives. Effervescent and ebullient, perched on hay bales or propped in front of cardboard windmills: Dolly Parton could cry the horrors of Bedlam (‘Daddy Come And Get Me’), Norma Jean preach turbo-charged cautionary tales (‘I Wouldn’t Buy A Used Car From Him’) or George Hamilton IV might croon the smooth lament ‘Urge For Going.’ Snake Oil and Lube Oil. Primates and Inmates. Hick Pitchmen would canvas their wares, while Hillbillies sang Heartbreak Laments and Tax Slave Rebellions, Barfly Booze-Ups and Death Row F**k-Ups. In living colour on the Boob Tube. Lip-syncing to playback (with canned applause) or live-in-the-studio warts ‘n’ all, hear your favorite Country Music Singing Stars of yesteryear as broadcast from Music City U.S.A. You have been warned…