Peter Cherches - Things BOOK
Bamboo Dart Press, 58 pages.
Things known and unknown. Story as thing. The soul of things. The essence of narrative. Bare bones. Blind alleys. Unanswered questions. And poems, a few pantoums and haiku too. Forty things by Peter Cherches.
Called “one of the innovators of the short short story” by Publishers Weekly, Peter Cherches has published seven volumes of fiction and nonfiction since 2013. His writing has also appeared in scores of magazines, anthologies, and websites, including Harper’s, Bomb, Semiotext(e), and Fiction International, as well as Billy Collins’ Poetry 180. His new book is Things (Bamboo Dart Press, 2023), a collection of experimental short prose and poetry. A native of Brooklyn, New York, he is also a jazz singer and lyricist.