Sun Ra - The Cymbals / Symbols Sessions: New York City 1973 2xCD
In 1973 Sun Ra and Arkestra established base in Variety Recording Studios in NYC to record an album for the Impulse! jazz label; depending on who you ask, this album was to be either titled Cymbals or Symbols. Half of this set eventually surfaced on the astro black market, but we've gone back to the original reels to bring you Cymbals as it was meant to be heard and paired with a second disc (Symbols) of unheard material from the 1973 sessions. Hear Ra's Baroque soundscapes, electrolytic clusters and dithering Moogs catalyze images of monoliths, space stations, computers malfunctioning and galaxies imploding on two compact saucers, all packaged in a gatefold jacket with liner notes by known Ra-fficianado Brother Cleve, with new art interpreted from the work of Jim Flora!